March 3, 2025

Research Skills

History and Mystery: A Genealogy Starter Guide

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Are you interested in family history? Do you have a family mystery? Do you spend a lot of time in graveyards wondering about the names behind the stones? Then you just might be a genealogy enthusiast! Genealogy is the exploration of ancestral lines and can be done through countless records, resources and artifacts. Join us as we discuss methods for research planning that will make you an active participant in your own ancestral journey.

Let’s dive into family history beginning with how to navigate Ancestry for optimum results. The Ancestry database is a wonderful place to begin genealogical research, but following hints from ancestor to ancestor can get you into deep water. Join Erin to learn why it’s important to steer away from the universal search function, how to access and utilize the catalog, and tricks to calibrate your search parameters. We’ll delve into the differences between the Library Edition and personal membership and send you on your way with skills to propel the next leg of your research.

** This program is a good fit for libraries who have Ancestry Library Edition. Best done in-person at the library.

Newspaper Treasures: Beyond the Obit

“Wife Extracts Dentist from Place in Her Heart,” Buffalo Courier (Buffalo, New York) 29 August 1912, p. 6, c. 1; digital images,

How can newspapers help us with our genealogical research? What treasures do they hold beyond the standard obit? The truth is, historical local newspapers are equivalent to our current day social media. They often told of social calls, well-being and personal anecdotes of people around town. But where are these newspapers? How can we locate and access them and what strategies can we use to calibrate our search in digitized collections? Join us for a tour around the web as we peek into subscription and free newspaper collections.

Calling All Weavers, Coopers, Vampers and Wheelwrights: Let’s Explore Your Ancestor’s Occupation!

Exploring your ancestor’s occupation can give you great insights into their daily existence, but how do we go beyond the standard vital records, census records and city directories? Join us to explore and unearth occupational information through local histories, trade publications, old town maps, federal programs, surnames and more.

To the Map Case! Discovering Your Ancestor’s World Using Local Maps

Historic maps are not necessarily a first stop on the genealogical journey, and yet maps can provide you with new clues as well as context into your ancestors’ lives. But where do you begin? What maps are out there? We’ll make pathways from local history books through physical map cases and then head out onto the web to explore epic digital collections.

What’s the History of Your House?

Image courtesy of Pixabay

The best thing about tracking down the history of a house is that your research subject usually stays in one place! House history projects give us the opportunity to access local historical resources such as newspapers, deeds, city directories, and more. This avenue of research allows us to uncover architecture, neighborhoods, and people of the past.  Join us as we track the records of a Masonic Lodge and delve into the history that is underfoot each day.